Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring has finally Sprung!!

It's finally here!! Time to put away those chunky
winter sweaters, dark lipsticks, nail polishes & time to bring out the bright fun hues that scream spring time!! Now we can all polish our pretty toes in mood brightening funky colors that we can show off in a great pair of open toe heels or your favorite pair of flip flops. Not to mention, for us fair skinned girls it's time to get our tan on to compliment those colors & really make them POP!! Whether you choose to tan the traditional way by laying out by the pool, layer up with a great SPF lotion (Nuetrogena SPF lotions are great), or by the tanning bed (which I don't recommend unless you want to start your base tan, I would still recommend a great SPF lotion to avoid a bad burn & to help prevent skin cancer) or the all around less harsh & non skin damaging way I prefer, which is sunless tanning. Some great sunless tanners can be found in stores such as Ulta, which carry the St. Tropez brand (this one I highly recommend), also the Kardashian line of sunless tanners, I personally have not tried this line, but have read really good reviews on it. I have tried the SunLabs line, but my personal favorite is by far the St. Tropez line. They have different color ranges & are olive based (or green color based) which is what you want to look for when choosing a sunless tanner vs an orange based one which will leave you with a orange un-natural color. The olive based tanners will leave you with  a beautiful bronzed, natural glow. However, sunless tanners can be a bit tricky to master. First things first, be sure to shave & exfoliate really well, then moisturize well. Be sure areas that tend to stay more dry are extra moisturized, these are the areas where the color will cling to more such as elbows, heels, hands, palms, fingers etc. Apply tanner very sparingly to these areas also because they will be darker than the rest of your body. For the face I use a tanner especially formulated for the face. Make sure that you choose one that us hypoallergenic. Keep in mind that the best way to apply sunless tanners is with a mitt, which you can also find at Ulta. These are washable & reusable, I wash mine with baby shampoo (any mild soap will work) after every use & store it on top of my self tanner to dry so it's all ready for use the next time. I can usually get 7-10 days of wear out one application & when it starts to wear off, I just exfoliate really well & start over. The smell is really not offensive either & it's safe to sleep in & won't rub off on your sheets. Just remember to shower the next morning to wash off any excess.
 Here's to being bronzed & beautiful this spring & on into summer!!